Windansea Reunion 2017

The best night ever!

This was a gathering of so many legends of the surfing industry it was scary. An absolutely great night and a credit to the organisers! I think the most enjoyable aspect of the evening was, the conversations you could here as I walked around the room. Hi wow is that you ____ you look a little older haven’t seen you for twenty years. People renewed acquaintances with surfers from all over the world.

It was rather daunting to speak to a group and you find you know everyone in there you just didn’t recognise them, as they have grown a little older, however the buzz was so exciting there were hugs, handshakes and laughter all round as you relived old surf stories or just rekindled long ago friendships that have only dwindled through the years as we all travelled and settled in different parts of Oz or some to different parts of the world.

It is extremely difficult to explain the atmosphere, other than to say it was the best night out all of us had in many years, legends one and all. Surfing has become a mainstream pastime, most of the people there lived through the pioneering years of surfing and created a lifestyle the envy of the world!!

It is impossible to mention the names of all the attendees, but if you think of a name that meant something in the surfing industry they were their. It wasn’t just the legends of old but some of the recent world champions paid their respect to these pioneers. I was moved a few times with the relatives of legends past, included in the ceremonies. They may be gone, but they will never be forgotten!

In a nutshell. It was a blast from the past!!!!!!!

Thank you to everyone who attended and made it such an enjoyable evening.

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