Terry Mervin Photos
These images of the early years of surfing are shared through the generosity and wish to preserve the history of surfing from Terry Mervin, who describes himself as a No One? It is a misnomer of course as everybody is someone!
Many surfers don’t follow the contest trail and just surf for the love of it and never seek the high visibility of the elite, or are just not competitive in nature. That doesn’t reflect their ability as some of these No One’s are absolute quality surfers. Thank you Terry for sharing these images as they showcase surfers who just love the lifestyle.
All images are copyrighted to Terry Mervin

All Images Copyrighted Terry Mervin
By winter 1963 we were ready, but there was a rumor that there’d been a death at the Bower, so we were a bit iffy. Then on a smaller day, we just went out. Here’s some of our crew, plus a guy called Russel King, who we got to know and surf with a lot. (Last photo surfing past Terry Gilchrist
Terrigal & Avoca 1962-3
All Images Copyrighted Terry Mervin
All Images Copyrighted Terry Mervin
Shelly Beach 1963
Shelly Beach 1963
All Images Copyrighted Terry Mervin