PT Turns 70
Happy Birthday Peter Townend

Peter Townend or PT as everyone knows him is a true legend of our lifestyle. The world champion has never slowed down in his involvement in everything surfing and his list of accomplishments are way to long to list here but suffice to say that if it involved the advancement of surfing PT was probably involved! Although PT now lives in the USA he has never lost his ties with Australia or his home town of Coolangatta. Pt and his family are loved and cherished by the Gold Coast community. His time spent on the south side at Gordon & Smith surfboards where he made many friends as well and on this visit to Australia he had two parties, this one and one at Cronulla.
PT’s involvement with the Hunting Beach Surf Museum is continuing his passion for the surfing lifestyle and the history of which he helped create.
This was evident by the amount of attendees and it was the who’s who of the 70’s era of surfing. An absolutely great night with so many old friends catching up and the stories told of a much mellower time.
If you are wondering about the pink everywhere? PT was known for riding pink surfboards and wearing pink everything.
The T/Shirt Joan Peterson is presenting PT is a one of a kind especially for PT.
A special mention should go to PT’s family for organising the party of the year!
Let’s just say it was a big big party.