Joe Larkin Display

Joe Larkin was such a classic character of the surf industry and a really good bloke! This display was setup in the Rainbow Bay Realty where Joe’s daughter Kelly works and wow what a display of history it was. The scrapbooks are a complete roadmap of Joe’s history and influence in the board building industry. From the framing and cladding of the toothpick style boards right through to Joe’s admission into the Surfboard Builders Hall Of Fame, which was si deserved as without guys like Joe who knows what we would be riding today, as his generosity in teaching up and coming shapers and welcoming attitude in sharing his knowledge with anyone interested in the art.
Many of the top shapers went to Joe with ideas and just to sit down with the master and learn from his 60 years of manufacturing and experimentation.
Many thanks to Kelly and all the family for sharing such a magnificent display!