Harry (H) Nightingale

There are not too many people I have asked to send me photos of their life as a surfer and waterman, but H is an exception to the rule. Harry (H) Nightingale was known mostly as the character on the Bondi Rescue TV series, but there is so much more to H, he is the ultimate waterman that has traveled all over but it seems G-Land is the favorite. H grew in the Bondi area and was a part of the Bondi crew for many years and has now retired to the south coast a place he spent many weekends away on surf safaris. Harry Nightingale senior had a huge impact on H growing up with a father that was a legend in the Lifesaving community and also represented Australia in the 1936 Olympics. It was a given that H would follow his Dad into the lifesaving movement where he has saved countless lives throughout his years on Bondi Beach, known as the most famous beach in Australia. I am at a bit of a loss as to how to tell H’s story as it would fill a book, but needless to say, he is held in high extreme by both the surfing and Lifesaving community. He is also a bloody character so fits right in with all of us crazy salty characters. The following is a collection of his boads and photos throughout the years. I hope you enjoy a trip through H’s life and thanks Harry for allowing me to share the images and a taste of your story.